
In Afghanistan, the largest humanitarian crisis of our time is unfolding after 40 years of war and the withdrawal of international troops since August 2021. Almost all supply structures for the population have collapsed, with every second person in the country suffering from hunger. 13 million children are at risk of survival if they do not receive help. Because the distress affects innocent children and especially girls and women in Afghanistan, we want to help. We are delighted to have found an experienced partner in the Afghan Women’s Association in Hamburg, which has been assisting girls and women in Afghanistan for over 30 years with 200 local employees and providing self-help projects to over 100,000 people.

Afghanistan: Assistance for Girls and Women

In Afghanistan, the largest humanitarian crisis of our time is unfolding after 40 years of war and the withdrawal of international troops since August 2021. Almost all supply structures for the population have collapsed, with every second person in the country suffering from hunger. 13 million children are at risk of survival if they do not receive help. Because the distress affects innocent children and especially girls and women in Afghanistan, we want to help. We are delighted to have found an experienced partner in the Afghan Women’s Association in Hamburg, which has been assisting girls and women in Afghanistan for over 30 years with 200 local employees and providing self-help projects to over 100,000 people.

Brief Description of the Project

Join us in funding five private schools of the Afghan Women’s Association, providing education for over 5,000 students. Let us support seven mother-child clinics in very remote rural areas. Each clinic treats 100 patients, both large and small, daily, assists with childbirth, cares for newborns, assesses the nutritional status of young children, provides trauma care, and ensures vaccinations and medical care in case of illness. We can enable over 100 women per year to receive tailoring training in two tailoring schools and support them in starting their own businesses. Assistance in Afghanistan is possible and is currently often a matter of life or death. We thank everyone for their commitment. More information at: https://www.afghanischer-frauenverein.de

Brief Description of the Project
Planting Forests in Germany

Planting Forests in Germany

German forests are not doing well - climate change is already visibly affecting them. Monocultures have made them particularly susceptible to climate change and infestations. Here, we must urgently counteract by planting healthy and climate-stable mixed forests, which will make a particularly important contribution to our future and that of our children.

Planting Forests in Germany

Planted has taken on the task of combating climate change by planting trees and compensating through global climate protection projects. The non-profit organization based in Cologne plants mixed forests instead of the typical German spruce monocultures. The latter are much better equipped to handle climate change than the already endangered spruce monocultures. The in-house climate forester, Jan, takes care of selecting suitable tree species for each area and ensures that the trees are climate-stable. This is intended to protect German forests from the effects of climate change and make them more resilient. We, as humans, also benefit from this. The functions of the forest, such as oxygen production, CO₂ storage, and filtering particulate matter, make forests essential for us and countless other living beings. Further information at: https://www.planted.green/

Planting Forests in Germany
Fair Giving Together - edon is our Partner to Do Good

Fair Giving Together - edon is our Partner to Do Good

Donations and fundraising campaigns must be completely transparent and secure. Therefore, it is a matter of course for us to introduce you to our partner edon, which, with its technical know-how, has made this campaign possible. About edon: The social start-up edon – electronic donations was founded in August 2019. edon is a digital fundraising agency that builds CSR software for online shops. CSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility, i.e., a company’s social commitment to the society in which it operates. Among other things, the agency operates the FairGiving plug-in, with which customers can round up the total value of the shopping cart and donate to a charitable project while shopping online. Similar to a donation box at the bakery, but online. Thank you very much for your donation! Your Morgenland Team

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