Jute – 10 reasons, and good ones at that

19 November, 2024

Jute – 10 reasons, and good ones at that

Jute – 10 good reasons

In the first half of the 19th century, the Scottish city of Dundee began the mechanised processing of this promising raw material. Jute rose to become a globally significant supplier of fibres. Just 50 years later (around 1900), an area of around 1 million hectares was devoted to its cultivation.

1. Natural and 100% biodegradable.

Jute is a renewable resource. After a four-month growth period, the plant is ready for harvesting. It is cultivated without fertilisers or pesticides. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, the products are fully biodegradable.

2. Natural fibres are very durable and generally maintenance-free.

As a natural material, jute has a long lifespan per se and is extremely resistant to wear and tear. It has a unique durability, is very robust, resilient and tear-resistant. With a little care, it can last for years.

3. Jute always looks naturally elegant.

Often referred to as the ‘golden fibre’ because of its lustrous appearance, jute is an affordable way to dress up any interior. With a wide variety of designs, colour shades and light texture, you can transform rooms into instant eye-catchers with a rustic touch.

4. ‘Where should the rug go?’

Jute fits in everywhere. Its earthy colours and characteristic structure go wonderfully with a wide range of interior styles, from modern to traditional. There is a wide variety of shapes, sizes, colours and patterns to choose from.

  • In the bedroom, jute ensures peace and quiet. In the morning, its texture stimulates the feet, and in the evening, its appearance creates a cosy ambience.

  • In the living and dining areas, the solid natural fibre provides warmth and style; an ideal host for friends and family.

  • In the children's room, its durability makes it an ideal playground for young and old. The rugs can withstand a lot and are free of harmful chemicals. In addition, the inspiring texture stimulates the senses.

  • The material is also a good choice for the office if you are looking to create a calming, concentration-boosting ambience in your work environment. Natural colours and textures promote a pleasant, relaxed and professional look.

5. outdoor fans will love the texture.

Jute rugs are antistatic and skin-friendly, and do not hide their essence. Those who like to walk barefoot will enjoy the feeling of pleasant acupressure. This also helps to relieve tension in the soles of the feet caused by constantly wearing different types of footwear.

6. Jute offers a high level of comfort in both summer and winter.

Jute rugs feel pleasantly cool in the hot summer months. Their knotting patterns allow for good air circulation. In winter, on the other hand, they keep the warmth in the room despite cold floors. This gives every interior a pleasant temperature and comfort.

7. the fibres keep humidity under control.

Air that is too dry can irritate the skin, eyes and respiratory tract, while moist air can cause a feeling of oppression. As a hygroscopic material, jute is able to absorb and release moisture. A balanced humidity level inhibits the growth of mould and dust mites, which is particularly beneficial for people with allergies or respiratory diseases.

8. Jute has sound-absorbing properties.

The fabrics of our rugs are dense and have a natural thickness that helps to absorb sound waves. This helps to reduce the noise level in the room by reducing echoes and resonances. This property is particularly beneficial in apartment buildings, on hard floor coverings, and in rooms where concentration or relaxation is important.

9. rugs are an attractively priced alternative.

Compared to wool or silk, jute is a relatively inexpensive material. This makes it an affordable option. In terms of production volume and variety of uses, the plant is second only to cotton. Therefore, it can be found in a wide range of prices.

10. Jute contributes to the preservation of skills and traditions.

The products often come from communities where handicrafts are an essential source of income. Buyers support the local economy and help improve living conditions. Furthermore, traditional, time-honored manufacturing methods are often more sustainable and environmentally friendly than mass-produced alternatives.

Frequently Asked Questions

Jute rugs are environmentally friendly because they are made from natural and biodegradable fibres. They are also durable, have a soft texture, and give any room a rustic, natural aesthetic.

For regular maintenance, simple vacuuming is enough. For stains, act immediately and dab the affected area with a dry cloth. You can also use a mixture of water and mild detergent, but be careful not to soak the rug.

Jute rugs are hypoallergenic and ideal for people with allergies. They do not contain any harmful chemicals or synthetic materials that could trigger allergies.

Jute rugs have a natural, slightly rough texture that feels pleasant and earthy. They are not as soft as wool or cotton rugs, but they still provide a certain comfort underfoot.

Yes, jute rugs are available in a variety of designs, patterns, and natural shades. They can be dyed or patterned to suit different interior styles and preferences.

Yes, jute rugs are quite durable, especially in high-traffic areas. However, they are not as hard-wearing as synthetic rugs and can wear out faster in high-traffic areas.

With love
From Morgenland Team

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