Up to
-70% in the Winter Sale
Warm designs for cold days - rugs reduced!
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$(document).ready(function() {
var f = $('#rugFinderForm'), fi = $('#facetsInput'), pMin = $('#priceMinInput'), pMax = $('#priceMaxInput'), pD = $('#priceDropdown'), b = f.find('button[type="submit"]'), v = { t: $('#typeInput'), clr: $('#colorInput'), sz: $('#sizeInput') }, d = { t: $('#typeDropdown'), clr: $('#colorDropdown'), sz: $('#sizeDropdown') }; let p = false;
function debounce(fn, w) { let t; return function(...a) { clearTimeout(t); t = setTimeout(() => fn.apply(this, a), w); }; }
const debouncedApiCall = debounce(apiCall, 300);
function fetchData(fcts) {
if (p) return; p = true;
url: '/rest/finder/items', type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', data: { facets: fcts.join(','), categoryId: v.t.val() || null, priceMin: pMin.val() || null, priceMax: pMax.val() || null },
beforeSend: () => b.prop('disabled', true),
success: r => {
updDropdown(d.clr, sortFacets((r.facets[28] || {}).values || []), 'Select colour');
updDropdown(d.sz, sortFacets((r.facets[29] || {}).values || []), 'Select size', true);
updItemCount(r.count || 0);
error: () => updItemCount(0),
complete: () => { b.prop('disabled', false); p = false; },
function sortFacets(f) { return f.sort((a, b) => a.id - b.id || a.name.localeCompare(b.name)); }
function updItemCount(c) { b.find('span').text(c > 0 ? c + ' Item found' : 'Show Rugs'); }
function updDropdown(dd, v, dt, sz) {
var m = dd.next('.dropdown-menu');
m.empty().append($('', { type: 'button', class: 'dropdown-item text-danger' }).text('Remove selection').on('click', () => resetDropdown(dd, dt)));
$.each(v, (_, i) => {
m.append($('', { type: 'button', class: 'dropdown-item', 'data-value': i.id }).html(sz ? fmtSize(i.name) : i.name).on('click', () => sel(dd, i.id, i.name)));
if ([201, 205, 212, 220, 224].indexOf(i.id) >= 0) m.append('
function fmtSize(n) { return n.replace(/(\d+(\s?x\s?\d+)?\s?cm)/g, "$1"); }
function resetDropdown(dd, dt) {
dd.attr('data-value', ''); dd.closest('.dropdown').find('input[type="hidden"]').val('');
pMin.val(''); pMax.val('');
function sel(dd, v, t) {
if (t === 'Remove selection') {
t = {
priceDropdown: 'Select price',
colorDropdown: 'Select colour',
sizeDropdown: 'Select size'
}[dd.attr('id')] || t;
if (dd.attr('data-value') !== String(v)) {
dd.text(t).attr('data-value', v);
function apiCall() {
var fcts = [v.clr.val(), v.sz.val()].filter(x => x && x.trim());
f.on('submit', function(e) {
var p = new URLSearchParams();
if (pMin.val()?.trim()) p.append('priceMin', pMin.val());
if (pMax.val()?.trim()) p.append('priceMax', pMax.val());
if (fi.val()?.trim()) p.append('facets', fi.val());
p.append('categoryId', v.t.val() || '73');
f.attr('action', '/rugs' + '?' + p.toString());
$(document).on('click', '.price-dropdown .dropdown-item', function() {
var min = $(this).data('min'), max = $(this).data('max');
if (min === 0 && max === 0) { resetDropdown(pD, 'Select price'); return; }
if (pMin.length && pMax.length) { pMin.val(min); pMax.val(max); } else { console.error('Price range inputs missing.'); return; }
var lbl = max ? min + ' € - ' + max + ' €' : min + '€ +'; pD.text(lbl);
$(document).on('click', '.dropdown-item', function() { const dd = $(this).closest('.dropdown').find('.btn'); sel(dd, $(this).data('value'), $(this).text()); });
d.t.on('click', '.dropdown-item', function() {
const val = $(this).data('value');
f.attr('action', val === '76' ? '/modern-rugs' : val === '87' ? '/oriental-rugs' : '/rugs');
if (!v.clr.val() && !v.sz.val()) fetchData([]);
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